Judaism in Morocco
Even though Islam is the official religion of Morocco, Judaism has been a major aspect in the evolution of Morocco’s identity. In fact, Jews were present in what is now Morocco well before Muslims or Arabs. However, since the creation of Israel, the Moroccan Jewish population has deeply declined. So where does Judaism fit in with Morocco’s identity? I have learned that it is incredibly difficult to explain exactly how it does. However, Judaism has two major influences in Moroccan identity: art and architecture.
Moroccan Jews were described as present n their absence today and I find that very fitting. While there may only be 3,000-7,000 Moroccan Jews living here currently, their art and architecture have made a lasting impact (see image below).
When we visited the Jewish quarter earlier, the architecture was quite different in that they had balconies and windows to their outer street where as Old Fez does not. This directly shows the difference in construction of houses. Furthermore, there are roughly 30 synagogues in Casablanca as well as in Fez. The physical structure and designs of the synagogues help contrast that of the abundant mosques. Even though Islam is the official religion, Judaism has helped Moroccan identity in showing that the Moroccan people are still tolerant of other religions. Moroccan Jews still have all of their rights as well. In building a different, new part of Fez, Judaism has helped evolve the Moroccan identity into one that is tolerant and considerate of other religions.
When we visited the Jewish quarter earlier, the architecture was quite different in that they had balconies and windows to their outer street where as Old Fez does not. This directly shows the difference in construction of houses. Furthermore, there are roughly 30 synagogues in Casablanca as well as in Fez. The physical structure and designs of the synagogues help contrast that of the abundant mosques. Even though Islam is the official religion, Judaism has helped Moroccan identity in showing that the Moroccan people are still tolerant of other religions. Moroccan Jews still have all of their rights as well. In building a different, new part of Fez, Judaism has helped evolve the Moroccan identity into one that is tolerant and considerate of other religions.
Another way in which Judaism has helped the evolution of Morocco’s identity is by showing that they are all Moroccan in the end. Indeed the King even once said that they are not Arabs/ Muslims or Jews, they are Moroccan. This directly shows how at its core, the major aspect of Morocco’s identity is simply being Moroccan. This is shower by the fact that Moroccan Jews who moved to Israel still maintained their Moroccan citizenship as well. Moreover, for those whom moved, they also keep their Moroccan culture strong. Ultimately, the more important party for many Moroccan Jews is their Moroccan identity. In coexisting with Jews and Muslims, their evolution of identity has become that of a Moroccan identity. From the lecture today, I learned that being a Moroccan is truly the biggest and most important part in the evolution of Morocco’s identity.
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