Dreams of Trespass: Exploring Gender Inequality

Dream of Trespass by Fatima Mernissi explores her childhood perspective growing up in Fez, Morocco. The novel, which takes place during the 1940s, includes many stories about how numerous family members influenced her ideas about gender and equality. While Mernissi discusses a wide variety of themes, the themes within the novel revolve around gender differences and inequality. Theme 1: Space, Architecture, and Boundaries The architecture of the harem, or traditional Moroccan home, served as the physical structure that separated men and women. Within the harem, there is a courtyard that is located directly in the center that is often decorated with gardens and fountains and even more important, natural sunlight. The courtyard was surrounded by arched colonnade that was supported by four columns; each had marble on the top and bottom. Moreover, a gigantic gate protected each courtyard (4). On all sides of the courtyard were salons. In the book, Mernissi explains that each salon...